The Aesop boutique in Ginza by Schemata Architecture Office

This is what used to be 35-year old shop located in Ginza, a region of Japan. The shop was in pretty bad condition, non to mention the quondam interior blueprint. But even and so, it had potential. A while agone this quondam shop was converted into a cute Aesop boutique and it also got a new expect with the occasion.

Aesop ginza View in gallery

The change wasn't very dramatic. The boutique preserved the traditional await and the principal materials used in the renovation were carmine bricks, physical and natural forest. Even though the shop got a serious makeover, it nonetheless has that old look only that's design the architects were trying to reach. They tried to comprise some of the elements from the sometime shop into the new pattern and to make a smooth transition.

Aesop ginza1 View in gallery
Aesop ginza2 View in gallery
Aesop ginza4 View in gallery
Aesop ginza5 View in gallery

The old shop once has a façade covered with cherry-red brick tiles. However, the tenants higher up didn't like the bricks and painted them. In guild to recreate that expect, the architects chose to create a red brick interior that doesn't bother the others simply that as well makes the connection with the past. They also incorporated several wooden boards on which the products are displayed. The bazaar is a long and narrow space and information technology looks even more mysterious with this décor. It's an intriguing new expect, both old and new.The interior design was done by Schemata Architecture Office, and pictures by Alessio Guarino.


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